Today I ate a gigantic slice of the sweetest, most monstrous cake ever known to mankind: it had a chocolate three milk cake base, a cheesecake layer, blueberry cheesecake filling, a vanilla three milk cake layer, another cheesecake layer and some vanilla butter cream frosting. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS (ノ๑゚ヮ゚๑)ノ ♡ ♡ ♡ And yes, life is good again, that is the power of cake! ...and cheesecake, and chocolate, and ice cream... basically, anything sugar, for that matter...
Most unfortunatedly, one cannot, or at least should not, eat large amounts of sugar anytime they feel anything less than on top of the world, unless you want to get trapped into a not-so-sweet-anymore hell of diabetes and overweight.
So I figured I should channel my everlasting love for sweets into a much less harmful let out, and so, I remembered something as sweet as a thousand vanilla with strawberry filling cakes, as beautifully charming as the most beautiful pastry your eyes have ever seen, and as cute as a chubby cherub gleefully laughing during spring days: Of course I'm talking about Missoni's Fall 2011RTW Collection! OBVIOUSLY! c:
The collection is a vision in pastel colors sprinkled in magical fairy dust and sweet dreams (人´∀`*); everything about it is really pretty and dreamy, looking at it, you have nothing but cheerful and sweet thoughts; there's magic everywhere! Every outfit looks as if it came straight out from a beautiful, nostalgic dream, filled with sugary memories from a simply gleeful childhood. Aside from the dulcet pastel tones chosen, every texture, every shape reminisces the kind of clothes modern fairy-tale princesses would wear on a daily basis.
As usual with Missoni, the textures are very important: you will see knitted pieces, embroidered, even patched details showing drawings of flowers and smiling girls.. every detail just exudes a delightful positivity! Each outfit is different from the other while maintaining Missoni's unique aesthetic.
Most unfortunatedly, one cannot, or at least should not, eat large amounts of sugar anytime they feel anything less than on top of the world, unless you want to get trapped into a not-so-sweet-anymore hell of diabetes and overweight.
So I figured I should channel my everlasting love for sweets into a much less harmful let out, and so, I remembered something as sweet as a thousand vanilla with strawberry filling cakes, as beautifully charming as the most beautiful pastry your eyes have ever seen, and as cute as a chubby cherub gleefully laughing during spring days: Of course I'm talking about Missoni's Fall 2011RTW Collection! OBVIOUSLY! c:
The collection is a vision in pastel colors sprinkled in magical fairy dust and sweet dreams (人´∀`*); everything about it is really pretty and dreamy, looking at it, you have nothing but cheerful and sweet thoughts; there's magic everywhere! Every outfit looks as if it came straight out from a beautiful, nostalgic dream, filled with sugary memories from a simply gleeful childhood. Aside from the dulcet pastel tones chosen, every texture, every shape reminisces the kind of clothes modern fairy-tale princesses would wear on a daily basis.
As usual with Missoni, the textures are very important: you will see knitted pieces, embroidered, even patched details showing drawings of flowers and smiling girls.. every detail just exudes a delightful positivity! Each outfit is different from the other while maintaining Missoni's unique aesthetic.

And that lavender python print overcoat: charmingly extravagant! You can truly see each piece was made by loving fairies while happily singing along to KPP's: CANDY CANDY... They must've sung the entire album, I bet!

Again those extravagant, yet sober-looking python overcoats in all the colors of the rainbow that will make all your dreams come true (or at least, it should say so in the tag ; A ; )

Every knitted sweater, just another reason to start a hugging-fest! ...and never let go ; A ;
...See? Only positive thoughts come to mind when seeing/talking about this collection!
Raise your hand if you, like me, thought of Harajuku fashion when they saw this collection? Well, a slightly demured form of the Harajuku style, that is. All you will say after seeing the collection will be: 美しい! 非常にかわいい!! While smiling and giggling endlessly until you go to bed (^ω^).
Brilliance resides in the details, and this is no exception: to keep things interesting, and to keep everybody from getting sick from the sugar overload, the chosen make up has nothing sweet about it: dark tones and a very pale porcelain skin; the final effect is a match made in Candy-Candy-Soft-Harajuku Heaven!
And with this, I bid adieu for now! Have a lovely day, everybody!
And with this, I bid adieu for now! Have a lovely day, everybody!