Needless to say, I ADORE anything "Alice in Wonderland" related. I'm not talking about Disney's boring version of such a lovely, carefree book, nor Tim Burton's leave-a-blank-space-here-from-the-lack-of-a-proper-complain-adjective version of the before mentioned book. But, instead, I'm talking about the Original Alice in Wonderland, just like Herr Carroll pictured it.
Have I ever read a more carefree tale before? a more beautiful one? a more artistic one? A MORE CREATIVE ONE?
It would be hard to find a better exponent of "Portraying one person's mind into a piece of paper", am I right? Going through this book is like going through Herr Carrol's mind itself. His way with words is gorgeous and trully expressive. All of the charachters managed to become dear parts of my teen years as I encountered each and everyone of them. They all have their really well-defined personalities and oddities. Trying to picture each of these charachters is like a tasty feast for anybody's imagination.
The very tale itself is delicious, it's proportions are unmeasurable! There are even words Herr Carroll himself invented for this very tale! Adjectives were created to describe some It is like a rush of multi-colored-sparkly-fuzzy-trippy-crazy waves to your brain as pages pass by! The book practically reads itself for your ears' pleasure! And so, as one reads the book, beautiful illustrations will come across your eyes. DREADFULLY GORGEOUS illustrations, I must say!
Herr Caroll did a great choice asking Herr John Tenniel to illustrate this magnificent book. Tenniel's illustrations are such a beautiful and intricate artwork, the perfect complemment for such a delightful story, in my opinion. Each of these are made out of small lines creating various shapes and shadows and beautiful charachters along the way ; w ;
Text and images complemment each other perfectly, without one stealing anything from the other.
And so, as my love for this tale grew, and nourished my imagination, it was no surprise that when a mandatory College project provided with an excuse to demonstrate my love for this particular tale, I had to take the challenge as soon as I could, and show the world one of this book's precious illustrations! I chose the book's Chapter XI: "Who Stole the Tarts?" White Rabbit with Trumpet illustration and show my love for Alice in Wonderland once and for all ; u ;
XI. Who Stole The Tarts?
"The King and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when they arrived, with a great crowd assembled about them--- all sorts of little birds and beasts, as well as the whole pack of cards: the Knave was standing before them, in chains, with a soldier on each side to guard him; and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand, and a scroll of parchment in the other.
"Herald, read the accusation!" said the King. On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, an then unrolled the parchment-scroll, and read as follows:---
The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,
All on a summer day:
The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts
And took them quite away!"
Technique: 48x35 canvas. I drew all of it. Using Paper Mate's Medium Marker (0.5mm) and uni-ball micro deluxe pen in black for small details.
This took about 4 days of good ol' torture to get done. This was a trully entertaining project at first, with the whole drawing being made out of small lines and intricate details. It ended up being a trully torturing project, with the whole drawing being made out of small lines and intricate details instead ; n ;
But I think it paid off well. It looked as if I had ripped the image from a gigantic Alice in Wonderland book. And so, my mission was succesfully completed!
Oh, yes, character concept by John Tenniel for Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland".