What comes to your head when you think of "Film noir"? Dark silhouettes? High contrasting images? Private detectives? Violence and crimes? How about Les Femme Fatales?
I have always loved how Films Noir have a delicious sense of decadence and sin, the atmosphere around the characters is always obscure and opressive. It's beautiful. It is misterious and quite appealing. Films noir always portray a violent and corrupt society; depressive and fatal; yet intriguing and appealing. It's almost a bitter, yet correct satire of how society was back then; and, sometimes I feel these could most certainly apply to our society now a days.
Film noir characters are specially misterious, most of them show hints of a dark past and a rather gloomy psychology. I find these kinds of intriguing characters to be quite poetic and romantic; they are doomed within their own stories. It's so tragic, yet beautiful. I love how most of the times, there's a delicate sense of sin and redemption; the character's ode through an opressive life and events, and how they manage to move on, crawl on, most of the times; and still, they make their own decisions… whether good or bad. Just like in real life. That is the appeal.
And so, as I was looking through Givenchy's Collections, I came across their magnificent Spring 2010 Couture Collection... needless to say, Films noir immediately came to my mind! This collection's overall aesthetic was so beautiful and obscure. It shows a more sober kind of beauty. There was something intriguing about most of the looks; an undying scent about them. Something beautifully magnifique and slightly mystical. Red wine and Parisian nights immediately came to my head. This is beautiful! This is elegance incarnated!